Over the duration of the exhibition, the artist methodically cold calls people from A-Z listed in the phonebook asking them about the possibility of revolution. Each response to ‘If there was a revolution, what would it look like?’ is recorded and documented as part of the installation. The responses over time forms a picture of social and or political revolution as informed by the particular locality and a public poll on the appetite for major social or political change.
Documentation of the conversations and traces from the live performance of 'Cold Calling A Revolution' are transcribed and then transmitted out via LED scrolling signage. Sound recording of the performance is on SoundCloud here - recorded by Del Lumanta, 2015.
Image: Kelly Doley, Cold Calling a Revolution, live performance and installation, phonebook, response book, pen, rotary telephone, LED sign, audio, 2014-15. Photos: Lara Merrington and Jessica Maurer. Sound: Del Lumanta. Performed at SafARI, Sydney 2014, 'Performance Presence/Video Time' at AEAF, Adelaide, 2015, John Fries Award, UNSW Galleries Sydney 2015.
Over the duration of the exhibition, the artist methodically cold calls people from A-Z listed in the phonebook asking them about the possibility of revolution. Each response to ‘If there was a revolution, what would it look like?’ is recorded and documented as part of the installation. The responses over time forms a picture of social and or political revolution as informed by the particular locality and a public poll on the appetite for major social or political change.
Documentation of the conversations and traces from the live performance of 'Cold Calling A Revolution' are transcribed and then transmitted out via LED scrolling signage. Sound recording of the performance is on SoundCloud here - recorded by Del Lumanta, 2015.
Image: Kelly Doley, Cold Calling a Revolution, live performance and installation, phonebook, response book, pen, rotary telephone, LED sign, audio, 2014-15. Photos: Lara Merrington and Jessica Maurer. Sound: Del Lumanta. Performed at SafARI, Sydney 2014, 'Performance Presence/Video Time' at AEAF, Adelaide, 2015, John Fries Award, UNSW Galleries Sydney 2015.